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Adobe Premiere Pro CS4

Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 (v.4)
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 is a video editing software. Capture, edit, and deliver video online, on air, on disc, or on device. Tell your story with maximum impact using Adobe� Premiere� Pro CS4 software, the start-to-finish video production solution that includes Adobe OnLocation™ CS4 and Encore� CS4 software.

End-to-end metadata workflow
Easily add metadata to clips both on set with Adobe� OnLocation™ software and while editing using Adobe Premiere� Pro, for greater project intelligence. Use speech recognition technology to create text-based metadata to help you organize your assets more efficiently. Pass the metadata through export for web publishing, enabling searchable video and helping to unlock new revenue streams.

Speech Search
Turn spoken dialogue into text-based, timecode-accurate, searchable metadata. Jump to a specific area of a shot by searching for keywords within the dialogue, and then use keywords to quickly locate and display what you're looking for — or even cut video based on the script.

Tapeless camera support
Edit video natively in the latest tapeless formats, including AVCHD, P2, XDCAM EX, and XDCAM HD, without transcoding or rewrapping. Browse your drives and removable media from inside Adobe Premiere Pro to find, log, and import footage.

Dynamic work flow with other Adobe tools
Achieve a high level of productivity from production to delivery with the tightly integrated tool set in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. Eliminate intermediate rendering when moving sequences into Adobe Encore� CS4 software, and take advantage of new support for Adobe Photoshop� files with video and blend modes.

Faster, customizable SWF output
Create SWF file versions of your DVD and Blu-ray projects for the web, complete with DVD interactivity, menus, URL links, and customizable HTML templates, without opening another application. Export for streaming or progressive download, and reduce encode time by using optimized encode settings in Adobe Media Encoder.


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